October 29, 2008

"CAPED" - The Gemini Bros.

Where Batman has the Joker, The Edge has Craig and Irv Gemini. Identical twins in the classic, silver-age supervillain vein, they dress, act, and even comb their hair as mirror images of each other, clothing their minions appropriately. I took Jürgen Prochnow, Crispin Glover, and Tom Noonan's "Red Dragon" and threw them into a blender to create the face and body language - just enough to ensure that they look like mass-murdering psychopaths and not Tomax and Xamot.

Kudos to you if you get the reference.


Mr. Joe said...

Hey Caleb,
I didn't realize you worked on this series!
Your character designs are brilliant!

Maya W said...

Good reeading this post